my CNTS_000000000018357 c4 Restoran contentscd>c4 Suyeoneuijip region2 Seogwipo-si region>region2 25 Namwon region2>25 Cafe,Coffee,Americano Famous for the Movie "Architecture 101" 47643 24 18 68 282 0 2 4 Suyeoneuijip It can be reached when walking along the shore of Wimihang Port.
It became popular because of the film "Architecture 101."
It was remodelled for the film, and then it became the Soo Cafe & Gallery.
Cafe,Coffee,Americano 2975, Wimi-ri, Namwon-eup, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do 63611 064-764-7894 33.269413 126.655876 <ol class="ui-sortable" id="sortable" style="list-style: none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;" type="I"><li class="ui-sortable-handle"><a class="btn btn-black moveBtn" href="javascript%3Avoid(0)" style="height: 30px; float: left; cursor: move; display: none;">이동</a> </li><li class="ui-sortable-handle"><div class="editorCls cke_editable cke_editable_inline cke_contents_ltr cke_show_borders cke_focus" id="editor1487739789950" spellcheck="false" style="position: relative;" title="리치 텍스트 편집기, editor1487739789950"><br></div></li></ol> 7132352 y Y codeyn>y 20161006150413 Suyeoneuijip {
"photoid": 2019022585713,
"imgpath": "",
"thumbnailpath": ""
} 본문
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It can be reached when walking along the shore of Wimihang Port. It became popular because of the film "Architecture 101." It was remodelled for the film, and then it became the Soo Cafe & Gallery.
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