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This grilled thick pork restaurant in Jeju, which opened in 2006, is so popular that the place is crowded with customers even during the daytime on weekdays. For customers waiting here, the restaurant has a rule not to accept reservations.


The key to their popularity is fresh ingredients. They use fresh Jeju black pork supplied from a slaughterhouse. Their menu has only two items, which differ by weight (400/600 g), rather than pork cuts. The restaurant wants their guests to enjoy the flavor of both juicy pork shoulder and pork belly with skin. The use of briquettes is just icing on the cake. Cooking with briquettes not only adds a unique smoky flavor to the meat, but also makes it more tender than grilling with charcoal.


The key to their popularity is fresh ingredients. They use fresh Jeju black pork supplied from a slaughterhouse. Their menu has only two items, which differ by weight (400/600 g), rather than pork cuts. The restaurant wants their guests to enjoy the flavor of both juicy pork shoulder and pork belly with skin. The use of briquettes is just icing on the cake. Cooking with briquettes not only adds a unique smoky flavor to the meat, but also makes it more tender than grilling with charcoal.


KOREAT judges’ comment: A restaurant that is always introduced to travelers and epicures who think that “Jejudo Island is the place for black pork.” A restaurant that lives up to its reputation. The best among the numerous grilled thick pork restaurants in Jeju.

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