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Isidore Farm is located in the mid-mountain range of Geumak Village, Hallim-eup.
Walk for a few minutes and you will see a Cteshphon house, the only one of its kind in South Korea.
The architecture style is of Ctesiphon, a city near Baghdad, Iraq. It is a unique place for taking pictures, especially for wedding photos on Jeju.
It was the first ranch in Jeju, established by an Irish Catholic priest who arrived here in 1954 at the age of 25. Father Patrick McGlinchey, who spent his life on the island and passed away in 2018 at the age of 89, saw ranching (raising pigs, sheep, and cattle) as a way to help islanders improve their war-torn economy and nutrition.
For decades they worked the forbidding volcanic terrain (this included building a water reservoir with a clay bottom to help collect rainwater that otherwise would filter through the porous volcanic rock) and make it into fertile, working ranchland.
The effect that this ranch’s success has had on Jeju Island -- in helping the people help themselves -- is impressive and ongoing. The Hallim region, for example, is still the main pig farming region of the island.
If you plan to travel to the west coast of Jeju, Isidore Ranch offers the peaceful scenery of horses grazing in green fields and among pampas grass. Enjoy its delicious, organic, homemade ice cream as well.