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At 1 p.m. on weekdays, a whistle is heard at the Okdom Auction House in Taeheung 2-ri. Since it is not one of those crack-of-dawn auctions, you can attend without much trouble. It’s exciting to follow all the action and the energy of the auctioneer is truly memorable. And of course you can simply go to a restaurant at Okdom Village to sample the freshest tile fish cuisine around.
In the evening, it’s possible to take a very pleasant walk along the port of Taeheung 2-ri with a view of Hallasan Mountain to accompany you. This rural village in Seogwipo becomes very quiet in the evening. The villagers need to be rested for an early start in the morning, so they retire to bed early. This calm atmosphere lingers over the village in a unique way. By all accounts it’s a very special experience!