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The back of the ridge, which reaches the eastern peak, which is the peak of the cone, and the smaller peak to the west, forms a half circle shape, and in the middle of that is a small dented circular crater covered in grass.

Next to that is an even smaller concave. Here, a horseshoe-shaped crater that opens to the northwest is found covered in scrubs.

The volcanic crater is formed of a crater, which has eroded into two small circular and horseshoe-shaped valleys, and is a triplet volcanic edifice with 3 craters at the summit. It is possible to see a panorama of volcanic cones from the top.

The volcanic cone gets the names Munak, Minak, and Min Oreum Volcanic Cone because it is a bare mountain (Mindungsan) covered entirely in grass with no trees.

On the southeastern slope of the volcanic cone is a forest of Japanese cedar and pine trees that reach the halfway point of the cone, while the northern slope has a lush deciduous forest, and the foot of the volcanic cone has a colony of Sawtooth oak.

Silvergrass grow thickly above the halfway point, and when seen from far away it is difficult to find the mountain’s bald spots or areas where the grassland is exposed. Ligustrum Obtusifolium and Arbor vitae grown on the top, while greenbrier grows densely on the southwestern side.
