A Beautiful View of the Emerald-Colored Hamdeok Beach
This volcanic cone borders the eastern sea of Hamdeok Beach. The ridges of this cone-shaped volcanic edifice form two large peaks. A lava boulder is exposed (called ‘Namseomo’) at the top of the southern peak, which is covered in a forest of trees and thickets. The northern peak is a cinder cone made up of scoria, and the top has been taken off, revealing wide grassland and a refreshing view. It (also known as ‘Mang Oreum Volcanic Cone’) was once home to a beacon fire station (Seosanbong, Seosanmang) that was said to have been used to communicate with Wondangbong Volcanic Cone as well as Satgat Oreum Volcanic Cone to the east in the past. The northern slope is very steep and the foot of the cliff has caves (approximately 20 throughout Bukchon’s Haedong Beach) facing the ocean that were built by Japanese soldiers during the Japanese Occupation. At the midway point of the eastern slope is a cave full of water. The summit of the volcanic cone is covered in a forest of pine trees, and all slopes of the volcanic cone have been turned into terraced farmland.
This volcanic cone borders the eastern sea of Hamdeok Beach. The ridges of this cone-shaped volcanic edifice form two large peaks. A lava boulder is exposed (called ‘Namseomo’) at the top of the southern peak, which is covered in a forest of trees and thickets.
The northern peak is a cinder cone made up of scoria, and the top has been taken off, revealing wide grassland and a refreshing view. It (also known as ‘Mang Oreum Volcanic Cone’) was once home to a beacon fire station (Seosanbong, Seosanmang) that was said to have been used to communicate with Wondangbong Volcanic Cone as well as Satgat Oreum Volcanic Cone to the east in the past. The northern slope is very steep and the foot of the cliff has caves (approximately 20 throughout Bukchon’s Haedong Beach) facing the ocean that were built by Japanese soldiers during the Japanese Occupation.
At the midway point of the eastern slope is a cave full of water. The summit of the volcanic cone is covered in a forest of pine trees, and all slopes of the volcanic cone have been turned into terraced farmland.
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