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Chusa’s Exile Road begins in earnest from the trail on the side of Jeju Chusa Memorial Hall. The site, formerly called “Makeungol”, was the place where Donggye Jeong On lived during his exile. After a petition requesting for the punishment to those who murdered Prince Yeongchangdaegun, who was the step brother of King Gwanghae, Jeong On was sent into an exile to Daejeong in 1614. During his 10 years of stay, he read a great deal of books, to the point that Daejeong Hyeongam built him a library. 200 years later, when Chusa was exiled, he was aware that Jeong On had once been sent into an exile to Daejeong as well. Therefore, by the request of Chusa in 1842, the memorial stone of Jeong On was established, and Songjuksa was built in his memory the following year as well. It is said that signboard of Songjuksa was written by Chusa himself. Songjuksa was later elevated as Songjukseowon Confucian Academy, but not a trace of it remains now. The memorial stone was moved to another location as well, and only the podium remains as part of stone wall.
